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Products & Services

Farm Management

Andys Organic farm management software helps you plan, monitor, and analyze all activities on your farm easily. Tillage, planting, crop protection, fertilization, irrigation, harvesting, and all other activities are managed with a few clicks. Plus, you can track input usage quantities, costs, and work hours for every activity. With a knowledge-base of best practice processes for over 100 crops, start improving your productivity now.

Farm Economics

Keep farm financial records and documents in one single place. Track sales, expenses, and capital investments and allocate them to each crop production. Don't miss your payments with due date alarms that remind you which incoming and outgoing payments are expected.

Weather Monitoring & Pest Detection

Get an instant overview of a 7-day weather forecast or 3-year history for every field. Advanced detection algorithms alarm farmers if there is a risk of an insect pest or disease occurrence in their fields. Late crop protection claims 20-40% of yield worldwide every year. Apply for on-time protection with the help of advanced insect pest and disease risk detection.

Resources & Inventory

Central registry of employees, seasonal workers, machinery, and fields lets you keep control over your resources. Real-time inventory status per warehouse and bin lets you avoid low inventory bottlenecks and keeps your operations running smoothly.

Farm Analytics & Reports

Identify why some crops grow better on some fields, find out the exact cost per kg/lb for every variety per field and identify ROI for every crop production. Built-in reports let you get all important data in PDF, Excel or Word formats. Whether you want to print weekly tasks for every person, prepare legislative reports or just analyze your performance, get all reports with a single click.

Need More Help?
Get in touch with our Sales team and let them find the right solution for you.

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